  1. Fort F., Palma G., Sauvegrain S.A., Sbai H., Padilla M. (2013). “Consumer’s food sustainability perception: The case of Tomato”. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 971:217-223 ;
  2. Palma G., Belhanafi M., Fort F., Padilla M. (2013). Evaluation of the environmental impact of consumer behaviour : comparison between fresh and processed tomato, Acta Hort. (ISHS) 971:195-202 ;
  3. Sauvegrain SA, Fort F. (2013). How is Environmental Awareness Expressed in our Eating Habits? Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Champaign, Illinois, USA, Volume 2, issue3, pp 33-41
  4. Macombe C., Feschet P., Garrabé M, Loeillet D. (2011). Recent developments in assessing the social impacts of product life cycles., The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 16 (9), 940-943.
  5. Page, D., Labadie, C., Degrou, A., Giovinazzo, R., Brat, P., Georgé, S. and Renard, (2013). Evolution of the nutritional value of tomato products from the field to the cans: impact of harvesting and processing methods on macro and micro element contents and lycopene bioaccessibility. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 971:189-194 ;
  6. Feschet P., Macombe C., Rolo Saez A., Benhmad F., Loeillet D., Garrabé M., (2012) Social impact assessment in LCA using the Preston Pathway : The case of banana industry in Cameroon. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 1-14. DOI 10.1007/s11367-012-0490-z
  7. Sauvegrain SA, Fort F, Padilla M. (2014). Une approche socioculturelle de l’alimentation durable (en cours de soumission)
  8. Feschet P, Garrabé M. (2013) Social LCA and sustainable development, in Macombe C and al.: Social LCAs, Socio-economic effects in value chains. Collection FruiTrop, Thema, CIRAD Montpellier, pp 69-83.
  9. Garrabé M, Feschet P. (2013). A specific case : Capacities social LCA, in Macombe C and al.: Social LCAs, Socio-economic effects in value chains, Collection FruiTrop Thema, CIRAD Montpellier, pp 87-113.
  10. Lacombe C , Loeillet D (2013). Social life cycle assessment, for who and why ? in Macombe C and al.: Social LCAS, Socio-economic effects in value chains. Collection FruiTrop Thema, CIRAD, pp35-51.
  11. Gillet C, Loeillet D. (2013). Social life cycle value chain analysis practices. In Macombe C and al.: Social LCAS, Socio-economic effects in value chains. Collection  FruiTrop Thema, CIRAD, pp 119-135.
  12. Macombe C, Garrabé M, Fleschet P, Loeillet D., Du social dans les ACV, Revue Pour la Science, N°411, Janvier 2012, 15-16.
  13. Padilla M. (2013). The new challenges of processing tomatoes: life cycle analysis, a relevant approach from the field to end use, Acta Hort. (ISHS) 971:23-34 ;
  14. Payen, S., Basset-Mens, C., Perret, S.R., LCA of local and imported tomato: Does the inclusion of freshwater use impacts change the environmental ranking? Submitted to Journal of Cleaner Production, January 2014 (soumis).
  15. Perrin A., Basset-Mens C., Gabrielle B., 2014. Life cycle assessment of horticultural products: a review focusing on cropping systems diversity and the estimation of field emissions. Int J LCA XX, pp-pp. (accepté)
  16. Padilla M., Quel positionnement de la qualité à la croisée de l’environnement et de la nutrition, Horticulture à hautes performances environnementales. Académie d’Agriculture de France – 2011. Séance du 16 mars 2011 : 1-8. ;



  1. Page D., Labadie C., Degrou A., Giovinazzo R., Brat P., Georgé S. and Renard C.M.G.C “Evolution of the nutritional value of tomato products from the field to the cans: impact of harvesting and processing methods on macro- and micro-element contents and lycopene bioaccessibility.”. Communication orale 10th ISHS Symposium on the Processing Tomato in Beijing, 9-11 of June 2012 (conférence invitée)
  2. Palma G.,  Belhanafi M., Fort F., Padilla  “Evaluation of the environmental impact of consumer behaviour : comparison between fresh and processed tomato” Communication orale10th ISHS Symposium on the Processing Tomato in Beijing, 9-11 of June 2012 (conférence invitée)
  3. Palma G., Sbai H., Sauvegrain S.A., Fort F., Padilla M. ”Perception of the sustainability of fruits and vegetables by consumers. The case of the tomato” Poster. orale10th ISHS Symposium on the Processing Tomato in Beijing, 9-11 of June 2012.
  4. Macombe C, Feschet P, Loeillet D, Garrabé M, Proposal towards the Social LCA of pathways, in Contribution to the Seminar addressing the social dimension of produc sustainability with lifecycle assessment, Copenhagen, May 27, 2010.
  5. Macombe (C), Feschet (P), Garrabé (M), Loeillet (D) (2011). Reporting the social indicators to the functional unit for food products VII International Conference on LCA-food, Bari September 22-24, 2010.
  6. Feschet P, Loeillet D, Macombe C, Garrabé M, Fruits & vegetables supply chains specificities and stakes as element of discussion on Social-LCA. VII International Conference on LCA-food. Bari September 22-24, 2010.
  7. Feschet P., Rolo Saez A., Garrabé M., Loeillet D., Macombe C. The pathway « preston » linking economic activity and population health. Communication at 2nd Seminar on Social LCA Montpellier May, 5-6, 2011.
  8. Garrabé M, Feschet P, Loeillet D, Gillet C. Principes généraux du MCM-ASCV des capacités. Communication au 3ème Séminaire international sur ACV sociale, Montréal, 5-6 Mai 2013.
  9. Bocum I., Macombe C., Feschet P., Benhmad F. (2013) Income inequality and infant mortality: An attempt to identify a new pathway to assess the social impact in LCA. Communication at 23rd SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, May 12-16, Glasgow (UK) (actes publiés)
  10. Macombe C., Leskinen P., Feschet P., Antikainen R. (2013). Viewpoints to social life cycle assessment of biodiesel production. Communication at 23rd SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, May 12-16, Glasgow (UK)
  11. Padilla M. (2010). Contribution des sciences humaines et sociales aux recherches sur l’alimentation : le Projet FLONUDEP, Journées PNRA, ANR/INRA, Paris, 19 mai 2010. (conférence invitée)
  12. Feschet P., Garrabé M. (2011). How to consider integration of different LCA analysis? The multiple capitals model as a conceptual and integrative framework for the LCAs. Communication: Ecotech & tools Conference, 1st December 2011, Sup agro, Montpellier (France) (conférence invitée)
  13. Padilla M, (2010) La protection de notre environnement et nos choix alimentaires. Est-ce compatible?, Université de Constantine, 27 mai 2010 (conférence invitée)
  14. Padilla M, (2011) Comment conserver la biodiversité tout en garantissant la nutrition et un faible impact environnemental de l’assiette ?, Séminaire UE-NOVAGRIMED, Région des Pouilles, Bari, 26-27 mai 2011 (conférence invitée)
  15. Padilla M, (2011) Nos modes de vie en question : quel impact sur l’environnement ?, UHI (Unilever Health Institute), Brussels, 12 février 2011 (conférence invitée)
  16. Padilla M. (2012) The new challenges of processing tomatoes: life cycle analysis, a relevant approach from the field to end use, 10th ISHS Symposium on the Processing Tomato in Beijing, 9-11 of June 2012 (conférence invitée)
  17. Burns, M., Perrin, A., Roux, P., Basset-Mens, C., (2013). Do the current Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) methods adequately account for the Life of a pesticide in horticultural production systems? A review. The 8th Life Cycle Conference: Pathways to Greening Global Markets- 16th to 18th of July, Sydney, NSW, Australia (Poster)
  18. Payen, S., Basset-Mens, C., (2013). Environmental assessment with Life Cycle Assessment of tomato produced in Morocco and exported to France: the importance of freshwater use impacts. SWUPMED conference, 10 – 15 March 2013, Agadir, Morocco.
  19. Feschet P. (2012). New perspectives of study: Life Cycle Assessment. Communication for 2nd World Banana Forum, February 29, Guayaquil (Equateur). (conférence invitée)
  20. Padilla M, Apport des Sciences Humaines et Sociales sur les stratégies des filières, Table ronde, Journée PNRA Contribution des sciences humaines et sociales aux recherches sur l’alimentation, Paris, 19 mai 2010 (conférence invitée)
  21. Padilla M, La nutrition santé au rendez-vous de l’alimentation durable, 8ème JAS, La Rochelle, 16-17 juin 2010 (conférence invitée)
  22. Padilla M, Les enjeux futurs de la qualité des fruits et légumes: quel positionnement à la croisée de l’environnement et de la nutrition?, in Huyghe C (Ed) Actes du colloque Carrefour de l’innovation agronomique, INRA/MIFFEL, Avignon, 14 octobre 2010, pp 15-24. (conférence invitée)
  23. Padilla M., Quel positionnement de la qualité à la croisée de l’environnement et de la nutrition, Académie d’agriculture, Paris, 16 mars 2011 : Séance « Vers une horticulture hautes performances environnementales : enjeux futurs de la qualité des fruits et légumes (conférence invitée)
  24. Padilla M, « Comment développer des filières agricoles méditerranées écologiquement, économiquement et nutritionnellement durables » table ronde organisée par le CRITT PACA dans le cadre du projet européen NOVAGRIMED, Marseille, 3 mai 2011 (conférence invitée)
  25. Burns, M., Roux, P., Sinfort, C., Basset-Mens, C., Malézieux., E., 2012. Improving pesticide accounting in horticultural LCA: A review of existing LCI practice, and LCI and Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) models. The 8th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food sector. 2 – 4 October 2012, Saint Malo (France) (Poster).